The shutdown of Codeplex had been widely broadcast from the start, months ago.
The earliest notice I had of the details of the shutdown plans seemed to be rather abrupt - it had evidently been thought through, but there seemed to have been no courtesy to the community in the form of a prior warning of what was likely to be going on. It seemed to be a
fait accompli. I could have missed the prior warning if there had been one, I suppose. Anyway, that earliest notice was the post dated 2017-03-31 on
Brian Harrys blog:
Shutting down CodePlex
tags: Uncategorized, Codeplex
03/31/2017 by Brian Harry MS
Almost 11 years after we created CodePlex, it’s time to say goodbye. We launched CodePlex in 2006 because we, like others in the industry, saw a need for a great place to share software. Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of amazing options come and go but at this point, GitHub is the de facto place for open source sharing and most open source projects have migrated there.
(more at the link)...
Copied from: bq | Codeplex - Brian Harrys blog -
It's quite an informative post, so, worth a read if one wanted to know the background to the shutdown plans.
Since then, many live projects have been migrated from Codeplex, emptying the place out somewhat by this stage.
It was also mentioned in little warning messages in the
Codeplex Daily Summary pages <
It's not that I'm necessarily well-informed, though I do try to keep current. I'm a bit lazy (can't be bothered to make the time/effort to read and memorise everything that I probably should) and I happened to have feeds to the above sources in my
Bazqux feed-reader. I regularly scan the headlines of all posts, but read only the few that particularly catch my current interest for one reason or another. The feeds provide a corpus that makes for a good reference source as well. For example, it only took a couple of minutes to search quickly back through those feeds just now, to locate the date of what seemed to be the earliest notice of the shutdown that I recalled having read some time ago.
Hats off to
Bazqux feed-reader.

R.I.P. Google Reader.