Okay, so I managed to get myself roped into a development project involving a web portal/reservation system that is huge (300,000+ lines of code), that was previously worked on by 3 other people - All of which (of course) had radically different coding styles.
...And most of the code comments are in Portuguese.. Which would be ok...if the half of me that is Portuguese, could actually read Portuguese ... But apparently I'm not quite that good at being Portuguese ... So in a nutshell, I'm F'ed

Anyhow... One of the thinks that I keep running across in the code - aside from the insanely excessive use of the (select all columns) asterisk - is the equally infuriating excessive use of 'like' - Example:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id LIKE '$id'
...Which to me means 'Where like exactly this' because there are no %'s used to allow the search to fuzz. So my question is, is there by chance some vaguely/obscure reason for this seeming insanity, or is it really ~'like'~ just as dumb as I think it is?