This morning I finished the Duolingo english course.
I thought that when finished will begin another with more contents. But now I only can learn other languages.
I have 5083 EXP and 73% fluency or something similar.
I lack for more material. I am studying english quotes (Albert Einstein is the first).
Also try to write in this forum is an importance practice.
Reading books and searching for words with
dictionary.exe ( The information by Martin Amis was the first , and recently finished Fear and Tremblings by Amelie Nothomb)
The word of the day from several web pages.
[1] [2][3][4]The forum I am using some years ago is
WordReferenceI would like additionally something free and interactive or easy.
Like resources I am using are :
examples-finderMobysaurus Thesaurus (you can download in DC)WordWeb free editionLearning English reading The Bibleand two dictionaries that came with the kindle ebook device.
And the most important tool I need :
English Grammar with testing. That I can select a special feature and go deep. Basically I need now a lot more of theory. English Grammar Free Trainer. Practice English Grammar.

Duolingo alternatives (learning english)