I'm seconding etc Stephen Hawking. Also see he had a guest cameo role in Star Trek Next Generation!
Einstein is almost "too easy", possibly the most "over quoted" scientist (aka the abuse of E=MC^2 ), but with that modestly well known quote (I think) that problems cannot be solved at the same level that generated them. But also Einstein's Hair and that (hopefully legit) pic of him I think with his tongue out!
I don't know anything actually about Paracelsus but he was a Bad Guy on Warehouse 13 as one a rogue Warehouse Caretaker.
"Not Strictly a Scientist" is Scatman John, who famously used neuroscience to sidestep a terrible stutter to do some music, and I think James Earl Jones had speech problems too, and became Vader!
But then the surprise entry is, isn't Mouser a scientist!? Slight problems at the end of the thesis track, but we luv you!