I forgot to mention Chapter 2 is now done, and I'm working on chapter 3.
-Stoic Joker
hope this not an awkward question:
how come your brother got a good functioning 1985 bike for 3,500 and yours, 1981, cost 3,000 and required a lot of work?-tomos
LOL Yes! ...But it's a good kind of awkward...

Is it the year, or are there other differences I'm missing?-tomos
Yes to both. My 81 has the older Shovelhead style engine, and is one of the first few years for that style of frame. So they weren't real popular back then...and became almost instantly rare because people were either cutting up, scrapping, or just not buying them. Me... I had an 82 FLT back in the day that I just loved...but had to sell to keep a business running ($$$). About a year later I got the 87 which I then road for almost 20 years, but it was the (like my brother's) newer Evolution (a.k.a. Evo) engine.
Needless to say parts for the Shovelhead era FLT's are a bitch to find. So my objective was just to find a Shovelhead FLT in as complete a condition as I could find ...(body parts, locks, instruments, etc.) And deal with the other crap later. But had also already planned to do most of the modifications anyway because of advances made in the various (braking, suspension, etc.) technologies.
My brother OTOH was just looking for a good deal on a bagger because he had already fallen in love with mine..

...And then there the whole just being lucky(er) part, as both bikes were purchased as-is, and came home in a truck. So while Alice's odometer only showed 14k miles ... It was an aftermarket item that made it impossible to know exactly what her mileage/history really was. And then there's the fact that she had apparently been previously been owned by a two fisted, whisky drunk, alcoholic, orangutan that should not have been allowed to have hand tools.[/quote]