It takes about 5 months to make a newsletter.
That's 4 months and 29 days of waking up and telling myself today will be the day I do it, and then one day of actually doing it.
The bulk of the work is in opening up every new thread since the last newsletter (which amounts to maybe 80 a month) and making a quick decision about whether it belongs in the newsletter. So the longer I go between them the more daunting the task. I've written some scripts to show me the new threads since the last newsletter, but it's still mostly a manual task of cutting and pasting links into the newsletter section where I think it belongs. And then there is just a lot of little small tasks I need to do to send it to new members and to the mailing lists, update blog, forum settings, etc.
It's not actually a *lot* of work, but it is a bit tiring.