The below is really a regular occurrence and so far I have either done nothing about it or manually corrected it.
Replacing text months (Jan* or January, Feb or February.. etc)
with -01- -02- etc.
bla bla text-23june 2016.xlsx
Bla-Bla bla-bla - 2june 2016.xlsx
All bla-bla - 19 may 2016.xlsx
2nd to last bla bla 7 july 2016.xls
last bla-bla-bla-20 October 2016.xls
bla bla text-23-06-2016.xlsx
Bla-Bla bla-bla - 2-06-2016.xlsx
All bla-bla - 19-05-2016.xlsx
2nd to last bla bla 7-07-2016.xls
last bla-bla-bla-20-10-2016.xls
ideal would be notes:
bla bla text 23-06-2016.xlsx (-23june 2016.xlsx: removed '-' before 23, replaced june with -06-)
Bla-Bla bla-bla 02-06-2016.xlsx (replaced \s-\s with single space, added '0' to the 2 and rplaced june with -06-)
All bla-bla 19-05-2016.xlsx (replaced \s-\s with single space, replace \smay\s with -05-)
2nd to last bla bla 07-07-2016.xls (added '0' to the 7, space-july-space with -07-)
last bla-bla-bla 20-10-2016.xls (replaced -20 with space20 and space October space with -10-)
from English_full: January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December
from English_abbr: *Jan*|*Feb*|*Mar*|*Apr*|*May|*Jun*|*Jul*|*Aug*|*Sep*|*Oct*|*Nov*|*Dec*
to nmbrs : -01-|-02-|-03-|-04-|-05-|-06-|-07-|-08-|-09-|-10-|-11-|-12-
Maybe this is too complex for a single line regex and requires scripting.
Dates usually are at the filename, any type of filename, so something like: \.(\w{3,4})
The code could be adjusted to months using local language, e.g. dutch
from Dutch_full: januari|februari|maart|april|mei|juni|juli|augustus|september|oktober|november|december
from Dutch_abbr: *jan*|*feb*|*mrt*|*apr*|*Mei|*jun*|*jl*|*aug*|*sep*|*okt*|*nov*|*dec*
to nmbrs : -01-|-02-|-03-|-04-|-05-|-06-|-07-|-08-|-09-|-10-|-11-|-12-
Any suggestions?