great job dB
i get this error with .ahk version, exe is ok.
and can you add *.exe to the list? thanks.
Shortcut Maker v1a.ahk
Error: Parameter #2 invalid
Specifically: Statusbar
013: Gui,add,edit,xs w430 vdestchoice,%A_ScriptDIR%
014: Gui,Add,GroupBox,xm w450 r2.3,Actions
015: Gui,add,button,xp+10 yp+15 w220 gmakeshortcuts section,&Make All Shortcuts
016: Gui,add,button,x+5 gdeleteshortcuts,&Delete Shortcuts
017: Gui,add,button,x+5 gGuiclose,&Quit && Exit
018: Gui,Add,GroupBox,xm w450 r3.3,Commands
019: Gui,Add,Text,xp+10 yp+15 r4 w430 CENTER Section vlog ReadOnly,Drag && Drop files right here onto the GUI
This will to Auto create shortcuts to the destination folder.
F11=Show F12=Hide ESC=Quit
---> 020: Gui,Add,Statusbar,
The program will exit.