To begin... here is a great FARR tip

It gives you an idea where my prefix idea comes from...
f | #filecontents C:\Dropbox\_common\programs\FARR Aliases\
this also works:
f | #filecontents C:\Dropbox\_common\programs\FARR Aliases\t_%USERNAME%.txt
side note....but this does not work (small bug ? %COMPUTERNAME% is not replaced):
f | #filecontents C:\Dropbox\_common\programs\FARR Aliases\t_%COMPUTERNAME%.txt
The way I see it:
I have nothing to do except add PREFIX=TRUE in the ConfigDir.ini file.
and FARR automatically add the computer name to the files specific to each computers...
so on my second computer, FARR would save those files:
and so on...
All those files would be in the same place, i can now make some changes on my main computer, FARR updates the main computer ini files: maincomputer_FindAndRunRobot.ini, ...
I can now replicate the changes on the other FindAndRunRobot.ini files... : mysecondcomputer_FindAndRunRobot.ini, mythirdcomputer_FindAndRunRobot.ini
I think this should be really easy to do
i see one small problem:When you exit FARR it saves its current settings
So mysecondcomputer_FindAndRunRobot.ini, mythirdcomputer_FindAndRunRobot.ini would be overwritten
So I would have to exit FARR on any running computer...
make the changes, save
replicate the changes on the other FindAndRunRobot.ini files
restart FARR on the other computers...
Maybe, there is a command to reload ini files that i'm not aware of...
Basically, the only sections that changes from one computer to another (in the FindAndRunRobot.ini file), (if we want to be more specific...) are
everything else would be replaced (shared)
(in an ideal world, FindAndRunRobot.ini file would be split, so the shared part could be just replaced)