He is not allowed to (...) l shave his face, for the entire 3 weeks.
I wish anyone would see a difference anyway.
Yeah, well give me some credit. I didn't want for the DCF
Aufseher to make the punishment too harsh/punitive - I mean, let's face it, for anyone who thought
TotalCommander was f##k-ugly, Sumatra's standard opening screen is not gonna be an easy study, so
30 unblinkimg minutes of that is gonna be pretty unpleasant, so to mitigate that and from your persona icon I figured you were probably one of those people who wandered around the place unshaven and in bare feet anyway (like myself), and if you weren't, then the experience might do you some good. So, overall, the punishment might provide some developmental dissonance, like it is meant to do in Guantanamo Bay - right?
Like the
Rivet City security guards in
Fallout 3 keep telling my character
Rebecca2 (she has low karma):
"You're a low-life, and I've got my eyes on you, but as long as you don't do anything funny, we'll let you stay."
Rebecca2 feels that's a pretty tolerant approach, all things considered, and is grateful for the opportunity it affords her to rehabilitate herself.
And, similarly, so should you be, or any other deplorable forum creep for that matter.
I should probably add here the explanatory note that this approach is not an original idea of mine, but is very much based the on the approach taken by my own
Aufseherin, who assures me that she only wants what's good for me.