Sometimes (seldom but occasionally, just often enough to be a nuisance) this error occurs:
|Keyinfo.exe X|
|Error: Can't load icon. The current thread will exit. |
|Specifically: 3.ico |
| |
| Line # |
|---> 043: Menu, TRAY, Icon, 3.ico |
| |
| [OK] |
I was gonna ask for someone to figure this out for me but now I'll just ask for verification of my correction.
Based on some
advice I found (also in the help), I added "Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel" after the 'ScriptVersion' and '#singleinstance' lines but before any others (line 3 excluding comments) and recompiled the 'Keyinfo.exe'.
So far it's worked as expected, prevented the previous error, but I'll hafta wait and see as it's only been a few hours since I implemented that fix.
Do any of you "Semi-Professional AHK Coders" recognize this as something that'll solve my problem?
In other news, jgp:
Could you make this to have tooltips?
I have been trying to get it to work but am having difficulty as I'm quite inexperienced with AHK
What I want is possible, I'm sure.. I just can't do it, you'll have to either do it or, better yet, if someone could tell me the correct format (menu, tip.. ? traytip?..
If Scroll
Menu,TRAY, Icon, 8.ico
with a separate section below with a similar loop
If Scroll
TrayTip, KeyInfo by jgpaiva, Caps On`nNum On`nScroll On,11,
or all in one like
If Scroll
Menu,TRAY, Icon, 8.ico
TrayTip, KeyInfo by jgpaiva, Caps On`nNum On`nScroll On
ToolTip or "TrayTip" or "Menu, Tip" or "Tray, popup, balloon hint thingy"
No, I've tried all those and have realized that I need some assistance
ahk file, added "Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel" on line 19)
I've tried several different methods that seemed logical to me but they all result in errors (ELSE with no matching IF, Target label does not exist, +/-)
When the mouse hovers the icon, display tooltip like below:
Caps On
Num On
Scroll Off
(.. or something)
I'm unsure of the correct format and don't have enough awakeness left to figure it out but someone prob'ly can snack on this and either just do it and post the updated file or show me how at your discretion (either way I can learn)