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Last post Author Topic: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins  (Read 69975 times)


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2019, 09:41 AM »
Thanks for continuing to improve and share this  :up:  :up:  :up:


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2019, 01:35 PM »
Sweet. Been recommending this program to people I think can use it. Keep up the good work.


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2019, 02:27 PM »
Cheers. More is coming :)


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2019, 05:36 AM »
v1.9.10 New comment plugin, Always on Top, Show/Hide Gui using StartSearchHotkey, other improvements -

  • New: Comment plugin - add comment to snippet which will be removed before pasting. Use as visual reminder or search aid.
  • New: On Top button/option in Search Window ctrl+t (per search)
  • New: Option to show/hide the Search Window with the same shortcut (StartSearchHotkeyToggle setting)
  • New: View menu in Search Window to toggle wide/narrow window and On Top
  • New: Make a 64-bit version available for download as well (a renamed AutoHotkeyU64.exe)
  • New: EditorAutoCloseBrackets setting to define some editor hotstrings, example `[` -> `[[|]]`
  • Change: More flexible plugin check syntax in Editor (was too strict with regards to `[[..]]`). (EditorSnippetErrorCheck setting)
  • Fix/Change: Disable Search GUI shortcuts when using the non-default ColumnSort setting (NoSort)


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2020, 09:05 AM »
Lintalist v1.9.11 @


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2020, 02:33 PM »
:up: Lintalist is such a great application and, if that wasn't enough, a great example of and inspiration for complex applications coded in AutoHotkey.


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2020, 02:15 PM »
@Nod5 ;D


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Lintalist v1.9.12 @


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Lintalist v1.9.13 @


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OK. Spent a bit of time but was not able to find what I was looking for.

Part of my use of Lintalist is working in txtarea of webpages. Most of the time I need to be at the top and to the lext. E.G. CTRL + HOME

Is there a way to add this to a snippet so that when I click on it it immediately goes to the first character of a txtarea?


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^| should move the position of the caret to the start of the snippet, is that what you mean?

Or do you want to paste the snippet anywhere in the text area, and THEN do a "ctrl+home" ?

There isn't a direct way, but could do it via a script.

So edit your snippet, paste this in the script section
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. LLInit()                            ; fake call to load global variables from Lintalist main script - see Docs
  2. ClipSet("s",1,SendMethod,Clipboard) ; store current clipboard contents
  3. ClearClipboard()                    ; clear it
  4. [[llpart1]]
  5. clipboard:=llpart1
  6. SendKey(SendMethod, ShortcutPaste)  ; paste changed clipboard using SendMethod defined by Lintalist settings
  7. Sleep 100
  8. Send ^{home} ; this line is just AHK code and will send ctrl+home
  9. Clipboard:=ClipSet("g",1)           ; restore original clipboard contents

If you need to do this for many snippets, you can create a local var (see tray menu), and place that in the script section, that way you would only have to update the script once should you ever need to do make any changes.

I've toyed with the idea of allowing snippets to send keys,, but haven't developed it further yet.


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2020, 08:33 PM »
OK. The script helped me out.

Now. I am having an issue with space at the end of a snippet. I put the period in to show where I want to break. Yet when I put this in the script it works great until I restart Lintalist. Then all the spaces are removed. I am using this in conjunction with the move to top to paste script and move the other text down.

Any idea how to have the blank areas stay?

Code: Text [Select]
  1. Bunch of text Bunch of text Bunch of text Bunch of text
  2. Bunch of text Bunch of text
  3. Bunch of text
  9. .


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2020, 03:45 PM »
Yes, snippets are trimmed when reading them from a bundle, so any leading/trailing spaces/newlines are gone - you can use the
    Bunch of text Bunch of text Bunch of text Bunch of text
    Bunch of text Bunch of text
    Bunch of text [[C=\n|6]]   

Someone else asked about it too  (don't try the test solutions as it fails and messes up your bundle) - I thought it was relatively easy but apparently I had good reasons to do it like this a decade ago :)


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2020, 06:39 AM »
Seems like in a few years I might not master the program but become proficient with it.

Thanks once again for the program. I might get lost in all the bells and whistles but it is a time saver.


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #41 on: October 24, 2020, 02:20 PM »


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #42 on: October 25, 2020, 01:49 PM »
Lintalist is a wonderful tool. I've been a regular user for years.

The one thing that hasn't changed in all these years is the non-coherent user interface, especially the font sizes. For example:
  • The search field uses a smaller font size, compared to the product name or menu
  • Similarly, the column header of the result list rows and preview all use a bigger font size than that the ones above
  • Menu icon sizes, are all small


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #43 on: October 25, 2020, 02:23 PM »
Thanks! As you can tell I'm a graphics designer by trade ;D

There are various settings you can play around with just in case you hadn't noticed them:
- Font (the font type used in Listview + preview)
- FontSize (used in Listview + preview)
- BigIcons=2 will use 32x32 size icons in the button bar vs default 16x16 - if you use BigIcons=2 it will also increase the fontsize used in the search box (slightly)

Icons in the tray & menus are always 16x16, too much work to provide bigger sizes as the source is only 16x16 ( - but playing with a combination of the three above should help somewhat.


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2022, 03:45 PM »
v1.9.15 @


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #45 on: August 23, 2022, 04:01 PM »
Keep up the good work, still a very active user of your program,


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2022, 11:12 AM »
glad you like it :Thmbsup:


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #47 on: February 12, 2023, 04:46 AM »
Some updates for Lintalist @

  • New: Added setting for ColumnSearchDelimiter to allow to search in a specific part of the snippet (part1, part2, hotkey, shorthand, and script) (a ColumnSearch setting is also available as hidden setting to automatically implement this for all searches)


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v1.9.22 @
    v New: Toggle timer to
StartSearchHotkey activation + option to disable to toggle view mode (wide/narrow)   
  see settings StartSearchHotkeyTimeOut and StartSearchHotkeyToggleView 


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Re: Lintalist - searchable interactive text to copy & paste with plugins
« Reply #49 on: September 22, 2023, 07:19 AM »

Trying to use this to work on a webpage. Works fine in a txt editor or a txt box but I am trying to use it to tab to the first editable box on a page and nothing happens.