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Last post Author Topic: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?  (Read 22541 times)


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2015, 04:17 PM »

you serious about the copper band?  I am a little shocked.

If this is a pun I got a charge out of it.  Don't let anyone give you any static for posting.  I am sure Mouser will insulate you from any negative reaction in spite of his native reluctance to do so in the ordinary case due to your magnetic personality.

lol...glad you picked up on it, almost thought it was too nerdy (I'm an elec engr).
but i am serious about the question...i had dismissed these copper bracelets as nonsense earlier in my life.

lol at the other comments!

i knew about the IUD's (i think they're awsome!).  so maybe there is something to it.  sheesh...i'm so skeptical still.


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2015, 10:22 AM »
and copper is non-magnetic by the way @MilesAhead, so that pun went South.

I guess I fluxxed that one up. 


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2015, 11:16 AM »
"You're a copper...but no brass material."  :P


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2015, 02:11 AM »
sheesh...i'm so skeptical still.

So am I! Stay that way. This is simply another illustration as to how little we know about how things work.
I have no explanation as to how it works, but yet empirically it (fortunately for me, at any rate!) works consistently, and is repeatable. It's not a "miracle".

Similarly, we have little real understanding of how, for example (say) acupuncture actually works, yet empirically it seems to work consistently and is nothing miraculous.
Strangely, many of those who might wish to refute such empiric evidence might apparently happily accept a fantastic hypothesis such as that the universe started with a miraculous "Big Bang", or something.

A good snake-oil salesman knows that once a credulous person accepts a false premise - or a "miracle" - then he will accept a hundred more.

I blame the Old Testament.


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2015, 11:21 AM »
You guys floor me; I'm totally stunned.^^
I made some changes to my diet and got 50% improvement just from that already.
But I'm thinking seriously about a homemade copper wire bracelet, as Tesla's life & accomplishments proved there's way more to the mysteries of the cosmos than anyone ever dreamed.
Also considering an econo- Logitech-clone mouse -but not Logitech- for easier clicking.
The EU (Electronic Universe) postulates that the Sun & stars are electric-powered, which I'm inclined to believe.


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2015, 01:31 PM »
Have you considered braces of any sort?

Something like this during the day, so you can still do stuff.

And more heavy duty and restrictive, like this, for at night when you are sleeping.

Also, there is a technique I used, when I didn't have a vertical mouse, that lessened the amount of time I spent with my hand in a palm down position.

Make a fist or cup your hand and rest it on top of your mouse, like you were holding onto an invisible joystick, and move your mouse around that way. Only grab the mouse like you normally would, when you are ready to click. That will keep your hand in a more natural "handshake" position for a lot of your mouse usage.

There may also be some autoclick utilities, that will click the mouse if you stay in one place for a few seconds, eliminating the need to move your hand out of the "joystick" pose, unless you need to right click. I can't recommend one for you to try, though. Your mouse software might even have the feature already, so check there, first.


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2015, 01:41 PM »
This is the one I got for my Laptop.  I see the price has increased to $7.49 now.

I have had it for about a year and a half.  No complaints.


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2015, 03:24 PM »
Another tip is to avoid double-click and middle-click. This will depend on your mouse, but most middle buttons I've met have *not* been easy :p
For double-click, if possible, I will click to select, then press the enter key.

At the moment, on a laptop without mouse, I use my main hand on the trackpad, but I use a finger from the other hand to hit left- or right-click. It's much easier on the trackpad-hand/wrist/thumb.


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2015, 06:54 AM »

The following yoga pose seems like a useful approach (I mean; for the hands and upper body; doing the feet like that would be optional),

I have a theory that anything that aids in reducing stress is good.  When I was a mechanic there was a miserable day in August that magnified the usual working over hot engines and being on my feet on cement all day.  By the time I arrived at my girlfriend's place my back was killing me and my feet hurt.  I was just  miserable all around.

She told me that she could massage my feet and I would feel 1000% better in only a few minutes.  Due to all the movies with guys drinking champagne out of slippers etc. I thought this seemed weird and wanted no part of it.  She said "I absolutely 100% guarantee if you try it you will be glad you did."  She only said that about twice a year and when she did she was never wrong so I gave in.  After about 10 minutes of slight pressure of the thumbs into the arches of my feet, my feet, legs, back and attitude was no longer sore.  I try to recommend it to people.  It is extremely easy to do.  But because of the champagne slipper foot fetish thing, people weird out right away.

If you have someone willing to apply this type of massage I highly recommend giving it a try.  If you think about it, especially if you work on your feet all day, that weight pressing down on the arches constantly creates stress that you don't notice until it is relieved.  It is like a jack hammer when they repair the sidewalk outside your house.  After a few hours your brain tunes it out, until the noise stops.  Then you realize what a burden it was.

Anyway, even if you have to pay for a massage ask the masseuse if she will do arch massage therapy instead of the shoulders/back routine.  It is way more effective.


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Re: TouchPad for PC w/Windows 7 vs. carpal tunnel ?
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2015, 10:37 PM »
Have you considered braces of any sort?

Something like this during the day, so you can still do stuff.

And more heavy duty and restrictive, like this, for at night when you are sleeping.

Also, there is a technique I used, when I didn't have a vertical mouse, that lessened the amount of time I spent with my hand in a palm down position.

Make a fist or cup your hand and rest it on top of your mouse, like you were holding onto an invisible joystick, and move your mouse around that way. Only grab the mouse like you normally would, when you are ready to click. That will keep your hand in a more natural "handshake" position for a lot of your mouse usage.

There may also be some autoclick utilities, that will click the mouse if you stay in one place for a few seconds, eliminating the need to move your hand out of the "joystick" pose, unless you need to right click. I can't recommend one for you to try, though. Your mouse software might even have the feature already, so check there, first.
Tnx but when it's acting up, if anything so much as touches my inside right wrist area it is unbearably uncomfortable.
Also, I get my hands wet a lot, which would not be workable with a wrist brace.
But I am reviewing all options and everyone's suggestions.