The virtual group construction feature of CHS is powerful but complicated to use and not well documented.
Someone asked for this on the irc channel so i thought i would show how to do it here.
Suppose you want a clip group which shows you all clips containing a url..
Create a new group in the group tree, and edit it (F2), and set the values as follows:

The key here is to check the "Virtual Folder" checkbox and fill in this text:
(Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%http:%') OR (Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%www.%') OR (Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%ftp:%')
That tells CHS that this group is constructed dynamically from all other clips that match the specified rule.
Now whenever you select that group you will see all clips from all other groups that contain http or www. or ftp:.
You could customize it as you want of course.