I understand this. I just never knew until now that it updated silently and with no notice. That's the part that is the problem. Just because you OK an extension once, doesn't mean you should have to sign up in perpetuity.
If you don't want software on your system silently updating without your permission then you should not be using Chrome at all. 
It's not software. *sigh*
Chrome used to notify you when extensions were updated. And disabled their access until you re-enabled them. That's the responsible thing to do.
I know that chrome auto-updates when you restart, which I why I don't restart very often. I use it because I have to. But that works. It notifies me that it hasn't been updated because I haven't restarted in a while. And then after checking, I do.
But when there's no way to know if a third party has been co-opted (it has happened in the past), then that's irresponsible. And I'm not even notified, nor are any blocks put in the place on possible malicious updates? You can't see why I'm calling it out? That's *not* a concern to anyone else?
Chrome is becoming the modern day IE, and google is to a large part not being called on that. Chrome specific sites- many pushed by google themselves instead of adhering to standards- are becoming all too real. And they're being pushed to acceptance not just by corporate contracts, but by the standard user at this point.
A bit more to add to this... just today, I received a message that extension chrome-extension://mfgdmpfihlmdekaclngibpjhdebndhdj/ wanted to access my location. This points out two things:
1. They are able to do what I am asking still, and
2. A non-advanced user wouldn't even know to enable developer mode to get the id to know what was being asked. How is that right?