So I've recently bought a 32 GB flash drive, I'm planning on using it for installing OS, booting live versions etc.
I've used YUMI to add bootable files to it, and what I have on it so far is:
- Windows 7 32bit/64bit installation
- Windows XP installation (Yes, I know
there's still some older people around me used to it and not wanting any changes
Slitaz 4.0 lightweight linux OS (I'm open to alternatives, it was just my first, let's say random choice)
- Backtrack 5 (it seems now that Kali is the new/better version, any thoughts or experiences on that?)
- Hiren's Boot CD
YUMI adds some Windows 7 files (such as setup.exe) into root, a bit annoying, but I've put all of these folders and files into hidden state, just so it doesn't get messed with if I borrow the flash drive to someone else.
So, what I'm asking is what else should I add to it? I'd be glad to hear what Portable Apps software to add to it as well, along with any bootable stuff recommendations!
And while I'm at it, recommend any free file backup alternatives, since I'll add some space on it for a TrueCrypt (7.1a) container to keep some files safe as they can be.