How about another approach? Set up a filter on incoming mail to put all the bounces into a Bounced Folder or forward them to the account of one lucky person? Or maybe a dummy email account. Just check the bounced ones for errors in the address. Those with no error process to acquire new contact info.
Not a bad idea but wont solve the problem. I need to preempt the errors from occurring . Due to the way this database program works, any error files cause the thing to stop until someone fixes the problem. Maybe I am not saying the question correctly.
This is involving a database that is already loaded with all these records. This is not incoming email nor outgoing email at this time. It is an issue of having all the email addresses in all the records be correct or at least "good" and valid email addresses before the system tries to pull a data run for the user and when it does, and hits records with invalid emails, it causes issues for the people who pulled the reports.
I need to either fix or remove those records with bad email addresses so that errors do not occur at all. To that end, I have extracted ALL addresses with links back to the records they go to. If i can find the ones that are incorrect or at least show up as "invalid" to outlook, then I can pull all the attached record into a folder and ..Yes..Hopefully... I can then pass it along to someone else.