I am here again.
OpenUrls is a magical script for me . OU .
I have a friend that consider the most simple ways to organize. He organizes his knowledge in folders.
Folder is a basic concept in windows operating system.
When we use the group url concept from Firefox we are depending on a program : Firefox and its addons. We change the browser and probably we have to adapt to a new situation.
That is one of the reasons i am in love with
OpenUrls from 4wd.
A couple of years ago I introduce in my life the concept of initial help or initial document. Or initial Knowledge .
We all suffer the massive information from web and the necessary selection.
What I am asking now is similar to OpenUrls, but a little more powerful. Will be able to launch the urls within a folder and the pdf too, even if are shortcuts to somewhere else.
And a good name is Open Knowledge = OK
Perhaps in the future i would like to open the docs and the txt too. So I would like the possibility to configure the script.
Is possible ?