To get same-size outcome, you could either photo-reduce the original you're working from first, or if the photocopier will handle it, photo reduce the size of the final copy.
A great book for learning freehand drawing as an augment to this, is 'Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain'.
Some universities even offer extension classes based on the book.
I think there may also be some youtube vids based on the book.
Even with the book alone, you can learn to self-train with such disciplines and techniques as positive & negative space, and turning things upside-down and attempting to remain non-verbal to force your mind into right-brain mode in order to hand-copy them more faithfully.
A pantograph is a great way to go, and can also act as a mental bridge, to help get you over and across into hands-on freehand drawing, if you ever want to try for it.