And now, for me, the deep waiting is over. The info, such as it is, is in, for me.
As I've remarked elsewhere, the grand slam would be if my deeply envisioned comp from 2006 can (maybe slightly slowly) run Win 10. (If not, it just comes down to economics of a new machine.)
But through those last four Win iterations, it feels like the mood is changing. Current "mainstream" support of Win7 is ending. Under MS's confusing terms, it will still get emergency security patch support, but no new features. Nothing actually exciting.
http://www.pcworld.c...being-abandoned.htmlAnd trying to merge the following article with some basic older news elsewhere:
MS declared a while ago that it would basically support only "two major OS versions at a time". So in many ways, while I was "waiting and buying time", Vista is now clearly just a fading old feeble giggle, Win 7 was important ... but starting to age as well! Win 8 is newer, but everyone is also racing to forget it as fast as possible. In doing so, it counts as one more clock-tick of past OS versions that will start to fade out.
http://www.pcworld.c...-august-release.htmlTo me, that leaves me banking a LOT of hopes on Win 10. Early reports are coming in that Satya Nadella is starting to put some sanity back into Windows. And because it's the crisp freshest new chance for them, it's the "good version" that they tend to do after one of their "disaster versions".
So if they are going to ever add anything really nifty, it will eventually show up in Win10. It might also just fix a few backbone gripes.
So, like a student who only got C's in prophecy school, unless some giant catastrophe shows up which I doubt, I can't see anywhere at all what a "Post Win-10 mood" will be. It's a total blind spot. But if it's decently solid as an OS with not too much silliness grafted onto it, that could be the next one I sit on for six years waiting for the next safe waystation.
And by that point, something monumental could have happened in the computing cultural world. But that's 2020's problem. For now, I just really want this version to be something I can count on.