Hmm, looks interesting. I have used a combination of Shoutcast and WWWinamp in the past, which worked well and was actually pretty cool. But a more "turnkey" solution would be welcome.
[edit] Ok, this is pretty cool. I don't like not being able to specify the details of my stream quality, but you can specify total quality *per user*, which is pretty cool. Speaking of which the multiple user management in itself is a cool feature - it supports lots of things like specific IP's per user, directory access permissions, etc. It also supports playlists which is pretty cool. All this through a web browser. Working with playlists isn't necessarily immediately intuitive, but basically you just create a new playlist, name it, then queueu up whatever tracks you want on it into the current playlist, then click Save and it moves the tracks into the currently named playlist. Unfortunately queueing up multiple tracks seemed to be a slow affair - no way to do whole directories or even multiple files?
I did have a problem playing it through Opera where if I minimized the browser or even switched away from the player's tab it would stop playing, so that sucks. But I've got it open in IE and minimized now and no problem. I'm not sure if the Opera problem is just my install, or perhaps IndieVolume or something, but unfortunately there's no forum to explore and find out if others have the same problem. I think a forum would help a lot as the documentation is rather sparse.
All in all it's a cool little app, it just needs a bit more development. It's great for simple music streaming and playing now, and with better support for adding multiple songs/directories and maybe some id3-based features, it'd be great. I'd love to see it able to display cover art by loading a named .jpg in the current folder for example... [/edit]
- Oshyan