I may end up getting popcorn, but it'll prolly turn out to be a boring chick-flick before the end.
What is Phoenix?
Phoenix is a free and open version of Apple’s Swift programming language. It is being developed by Greg Casamento, the newest member of the Ind.ie team. Greg brings years of experience in Objective-C and compiler development to Ind.ie and also leads the GNUStep project.
Dear Apple, if you love something, you set it free.
Introducing Phoenix, Swift set free.
Still in somewhat-early Alpha, but under heavy development as we speak.
I think the open letter to Apple is pretty sweet (and loaded with perhaps-not-so-subtle nerd rage), but I seriously doubt it'll end up with the surfer-dude group hug they're hoping for...
Dear Tim Cook,
Swift is a beautiful language but you want to keep it all to yourself. That’s just not on.
Imagine how different Apple’s own story would have been if Richard had not written the GNU C Compiler and released it under a free license. Steve could not have had an Objective-C compiler built on top of it at NeXT. Or what if Chris had not released LLVM under an open license?
... you seem to have forgotten the legacy that got you to where you are.
I know you must see Swift ... as a way to make it harder for developers to port their apps to Android, and therefore be forced to make a decision between the two platforms. These moves will, no doubt, gain iOS more exclusive titles. But only those who lack confidence in their ability to otherwise compete resort to lock-in as a competitive advantage. You don’t need this. You’re better than this.
Emphasis mine. I love that part, and applies to more than just the subject at hand.
from CodeProject News