or just use the VirusTotal Uploader
Here's a quick autohotkey script that makes virustotal uploader even more simple:
^!v:: ; hotkey to call upload to virustotal.com function (ctrl-alt-v)
; virustotal uploader must be installed at "C:\Program Files\VirusTotalUploader2\VirusTotalUpload2.exe"
VirusFile := % gst() ; assign full path of the selected file to a variable
Run, C:\Program Files\VirusTotalUploader2\VirusTotalUpload2.exe "%VirusFile%"
gst() { ; GetSelectedText or FilePath in Windows Explorer by Learning one
IsClipEmpty := (Clipboard = "") ? 1 : 0
if !IsClipEmpty {
ClipboardBackup := ClipboardAll
While !(Clipboard = "") {
Clipboard =
Sleep, 10
Send, ^c
ClipWait, 0.1
ToReturn := Clipboard, Clipboard := ClipboardBackup
if !IsClipEmpty
ClipWait, 0.5, 1
Return ToReturn
press ctrl-alt-v with the file selected in windows explorer, and voila!
Here's the compiled script - 199.6 Kbbtw, virustotal uploader must be installed at "C:\Program Files\VirusTotalUploader2\VirusTotalUpload2.exe"
p.s.: I got the gst() function from someone else's script. I don't remember whom or where though.