I'm not sure what to think of this. I don't particularly like it mainly because I'm operating from a "if it ain't broke" perspective. I love the way the internet has been the past 15 years.
What exactly is this "fixing"? What was the problem?
what part of the net is not neutral already?
Of course it is not "fixing" anything. It's just more of the politics-creep we are seeing semi-lately. In one way, it's been surprisingly long how long computing has remained sensibly stable and agnostic. Not counting Renny's delicate, subtle, soft touch to news events, it really is a bit of a late date for all these games.
I've been watching a marathon of the old Flash series from 1990 aka before modern computing really got going, and the writers really struggled a bit to write for the smart doctor character. But not one went into this political territory. It's a pretty pure snapshot that computers "just did" whatever they did.
Maybe about the time of the Matrix did we really get the first meta-comments that political forces could be brought to control computing.