Not sure how long it has been around s I just 'discovered' Chrome extensions a few months back and have been addicted ever since

The sad thing is that if it can be done in Chrome, why the heck can't somebody do it for Office? I am slowly building my own inside the custom.dic anyway as I catch them but I am not used to having to wait till the end to add one to auto-fix. Allowing that redlined word to stay redlined until I hit send is like ignoring a ringing phone. HARD to do! Just breaking old habits.
What I DID do (it helps a little) is to add the option for "Auto-correct" to the ribbon. Why it isn't there by default is beyond me!
And even THAT is tricky.
To get it to work, you have to open a NEW email. Right click the ribbon and choose customize. Then change the option to view "Items not IN the ribbon".
That finally shows auto-correct option. THEN, you have to add a new group under the tab you want to see it in. I added it to several of them just so it would be handy no matter where I was. The "ICON" it adds is a big Green 'DOT' that when clicked opens to offer changes to all the various auto-correct options.
The weird thing is, you CANNOT do this to the SAME Ribbon in the VIEW mode. It can ONLY be added in a NEW or Open for reading Email.
This means if you see a good "fix" you want to add, the only way to do it is open a new email. Add the fix. Then you can close the email without sending . But you cannot add that option to the Outlook normal VIEW.
If you figure out a way to improve on this please let me know.
I am SO glad now that I can type in the forum and NEVER see that D***Med "little i" HAH! unless I capture it inside of quotes. First person singular is now an Auto-fix! Spell Bee would be worth it if it only fixed that ONE thing.
I wish it really had included the spell check as well.