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Last post Author Topic: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task  (Read 17799 times)


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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2016, 12:26 PM »
must get an AI spellcheck that catches words in the dictionary that I didn't mean to type
If you find it PLEASE send me a PM!

Heh heh heh.  If it reads minds we are all liable to be incarcerated for thought crimes.  ;)


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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2016, 12:33 PM »
Since passwords were mentioned can someone explain to me why it is necessary after all these years to have passwords with a mix of UPPER and lower Case, numbers, symbols and two teardrops?  They claim it is to prevent a dictionary attack.  For the dictionary attack to work there needs to be a lot of trial and error as it goes through the word list.  So why are these institutions letting whoever is trying to log on make all these attempts?

I don't believe it.  I think it is just an excuse to lock you out of your own account.  Whoops!  You must have hit '0' key instead of ')' key when you logged in!! Your fault.  Give me a break.
(Was that long enough to qualify as a rant?  I hope not.  I don't want to exceed my quota for the month.)  ;)


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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2016, 04:52 PM »
Naughty Stoic!  Are you chasing his girlfriend?

On the point of the topic though, i just got a real shocker.
I was scanning every archive i could find to see if any old systems had a copy of Sendkeys still on them and lo and behold i found THIS jewel:


It seems several of "us" have already been there/done that way back when
(2011 to be exact)
Wraith, ATH, Mouser and "All The Usual Suspects" :)
My question now is What Happened?
Reading the old thread it seems is is related to false alarms on Viruses, something MilesAhead just brought to the table here about how paranoid people are these days.

So what gives with sendkeys and why is the DLL file now missing from every system I can find?  I see places offering to DL it back to me but....
Maaaaybeee not?   :tellme: :o :down:

AND speaking of TIME MACHINEs Miles  :)

Guess where the next step took me?  Good ol' Nircmd!  Hmmmmm
SURELY Nirsoft is OK?  Right?  You just brought that up in the first reply though about false flags

So now i have a choice between a 2011 compiled copy of what Used to be Sendkeys or Nircmd  which one will it be?

Nils Sofer is the one who should write the Ultimate Spellchecker,
The one Checker to Rule Them ALL!  I bet he could do it!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 05:20 PM by questorfla, Reason: additional info »


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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2016, 05:26 PM »
I just had to post this;

Extension for Chrome :)


Plus Spell checker!  << NOT!  Doesn't spell check but for TYPOS!  GREAT!

Go for it Miles, I just loaded it myself  You can custom make your own fixes as well.
Wish I had THIS for Office 365!
Sorry, name is Spell Bee not sure why the link came out like that
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 05:50 PM by questorfla »


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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2016, 05:35 PM »
WOW!  It WORKS!!  No more little I by itself!  I can't even force one to show it working Love this thing!!  Five STAR (SO far anyway!) :-*
If you use Chrome this is like a dream come true! :Thmbsup:


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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2016, 07:32 AM »
I should have known nircmd would have a sendkey command.   :Thmbsup:

Thanks for the typo fixer. I think I tried something similar, if not that one a few years back.


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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2016, 02:33 PM »
Not sure how long it has been around s I just 'discovered' Chrome extensions a few months back and have been addicted ever since :).
The sad thing is that if it can be done in Chrome, why the heck can't somebody do it for Office?  I am slowly building my own inside the custom.dic anyway as I catch them but I am not used to having to wait till the end to add one to auto-fix.  Allowing that redlined word to stay redlined until I hit send is like ignoring a ringing phone.  HARD to do!  Just breaking old habits.
What I DID do (it helps a little) is to add the option for "Auto-correct" to the ribbon.  Why it isn't there by default is beyond me!
And even THAT is tricky.
To get it to work, you have to open a NEW email.  Right click the ribbon and choose customize.  Then change the option to view "Items not IN the ribbon".
That finally shows auto-correct option.  THEN, you have to add a new group under the tab you want to see it in.  I added it to several of them just so it would be handy no matter where I was.  The "ICON" it adds is a big Green 'DOT' that when clicked opens to offer changes to all the various auto-correct options.
The weird thing is, you CANNOT do this to the SAME Ribbon in the VIEW mode.  It can ONLY be added in a NEW or Open for reading Email.
This means if you see a good "fix" you want to add, the only way to do it is open a new email.  Add the fix.  Then you can close the email without sending .  But you cannot add that option to the Outlook normal VIEW.
If you figure out a way to improve on this please let me know.
I am SO glad now that I can type in the forum and NEVER see that D***Med "little i"  HAH!  unless I capture it inside of quotes.  First person singular is now an Auto-fix!  Spell Bee would be worth it if it only fixed that ONE thing.
I wish it really had included the spell check as well.

Stoic Joker

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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2016, 03:02 PM »
Since passwords were mentioned can someone explain to me why it is necessary after all these years to have passwords with a mix of UPPER and lower Case, numbers, symbols and two teardrops?  They claim it is to prevent a dictionary attack.  For the dictionary attack to work there needs to be a lot of trial and error as it goes through the word list.  So why are these institutions letting whoever is trying to log on make all these attempts?

Two side of the same coin. People are people...and some times they have bad days. So - Administratively Speaking - you can't make the lockout threshold too tight...or you're just creating work for yourself (trust me ..). However, after a certain point...where it becomes bloody god damn obvious that nobody on this planet could possible even begin to attempt to type that fast - even after doing a pound of cocaine. Then yes FFS the system should have the provision to lockout said user account. This would eliminate 95% of the issue and the - completely security theater - "need" for the rampant annoyance that is known as 2FA.

Naughty Stoic!  Are you chasing his girlfriend?

Nope. I'm an Admin. And at that point I was a completely humorless Admin that was stuck on-site while coming down with a cold and was therefore deeply immersed in the process of feeling like total shit, and having far less that zero patience. So... While - in the interest of professionalism - I usually just note things, smile (okay smirk..), and move on. This time - warn as I was - I decided to say screw it, whip out my naughty hammer, and stroll through defiantly waiting for anyone to bitch about something that they screwed up.

I really do try to be nice ... I'm just not really good when cornered.


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Re: desktop shortcut to do a Simple task
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2016, 05:17 PM »
I LIKE that attitude!  :Thmbsup: