To my surprise they went the opposite direction!
Micromagnets are 2.5mm, half the diameter of Zen Magnets.-Compliance MicroMagnets
WARNING: Although individual Micromagnets are too weak to be considered "hazardous magnets", the warning we have is the same: Keep them away from faces! Swallowed magnets may stick together across intestines causing serious injury or death. Keep away from children who don't understand this. Seek immediate medical attention of magnets are swallowed or inhaled.
^ "weak magnets"?!
Rather than me quoting and quoting, you may visit Micromagnets, MFV Splitting Card, Construction Guide. $20 + Shipping
Our mailing address is: Zen Magnets
PO Box 1744
Boulder, CO 80306-Zen
1728 Micromagnets, 2 MFV Cards, Metal Building Platform, Extended Guide. $80 + Shipping
Designed and tested below the CPSC's "hazardous magnet" strength, Micromagnets are 2.5mm nickel plated Neoballs that are twice the challenge, half the diameter, and a third of the cost of Zen Magnets. Young eyes and clean fingernails are strongly recommended for use. Such obey, very conform, wow.
November Shipping
This is not a sometime-maybe-kickstarter-esque preorder. You'll receive the Micromagnets in time for you to enjoy and order more for the holidays. Production is already under way, and packaging is in final design phases. Preorders will ship in the order made. Flat $5 domestic priority shipping.-Shipping November