Googled Seraphim Labs. The page says to sign up via irc due to spam. I don't have irc set up and I'm not sure if the college WiFi blocks it. I would imagine the public library system does because they even block sourceforge. That's how paranoid they are these days. 
Thanks for the suggestion though. 
Well let's see if I can not make this Snarky.
A long time ago I went hunting for free web hosts for reasons darn near what you wanted. PS I hate Google and sometimes you just don't search for things. On my tip Seraphim showed up here and he has posted a few nice comments. I left it a bit as an "open entry" because it might take him a day to find my post here but he's pretty good.
So my post had a bit of a "Batman Signal" quality to it. Before you judge him, give him a chance. Services like what you want and what he offers are often wrecked by a raw engine search, be it Google or Bing/Yahoo ot whatever. I used my own "private" methodology but let's just see what happens.
Here is his profile page:
https://www.donation...ion=profile;u=372590I think he set it up that if you send him a PM it filters into an email. Either way if he cannot help what should be a simple request for you I need to know because you sounded dead center into what I was trying to do five years ago - aka find simple quick low tech free hosting.
My other suggestion is Charles Decker from Decker Services. While he reduced his web hosting exposure due to spam entries, I think he will trust my recommendation that you are a smart fella and worth working with.
I suggest you first read this for a quick overview: you want the "executive summary" of the thread here:
http://www.freewebsp...y-host-spread/page38A couple of important details quoted from there:
Deeplist/Charles Decker: Due to the amount of bogus nonsense, I removed automated signups some time ago. However, I still provide free hosting, but it's by invitation and/or request only. I don't actively promote it any longer either.
Seraphim (Labs): I took my site for new signups down entirely. It looked awful, the code was not aging well, and no matter what I did to it I couldn't stop the spam signups. Though I will still accept new clients if they ask me about it. Hopefully I can turn things around for Seraphim and actually build it back up to where I wanted to be when I started.
So closing the loop these are two guys who I think are pretty good but that you can't "Google them". It's a test of my rep here as Phoeni. If neither of them can help you (and they are wise enough to share a small tip here and there to each other) then that's all I have. But in another thread I spent 18 months looking for free web hosting for darn near exactly what you want, but that happens to be "un
GoogleSearchable". Again in the other thread, I took a very innovative/new metric to judge my entries and those two were my dead heat ties with another one just barely behind.
Summary is, if Awesome Miles and three Awesome Providers can't work it out, I need to know for data reasons if nothing else. I'm a humanities guy. I picked a clever durational metric to weed out the jokers on But between them the winners' basic tech skills sounded solid. So if AwesomeMiles can't get a hit with any of them, that's a higher level order of info I would appreciate!
And I just now posted a "please visit DC" note over there for them. : )