At this location:
download Veoh Player.
I'm in the US, and if I visit without a proxie, it says 'Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to', and 'softologic download gkcmr'.
If I use a proxie to go to the download page, then it offers the download.
Upon downloading, if I scan it with malwarebytes, it says there is a PUP, or 'Potentially Unwanted Program' (i.e. actually, it qualifies as a 'virus' in my book), so I told it to delete the PUP and the Veoh Player download disappeared.
If I go to CNET and download it from there, scans come back 'clean', but when I prepare to install, it tells me that using normal install I 'agree' to allow the installation of some offbeat search engine, change my home page in IE, Firefox, and Chrome, and prevent changing back of my home page.
I didn't have to scan further, I just deleted it.
So what's the deal? Why am I being blocked from accessing the Veoh Player from America?
Is there a 'clean' version of the Veoh Player download that isn't infested with a PUP?