I'm looking for a simple money tracking app for android. I don't need it to have a bunch of fancy features. Pretty much all I am looking for is a digital version of those things you get with your checkbook that has a spot for description,expense,income,and new balance. I want to be able to be at walmart, or a fast food joint, and be able to just open the app, and input what I purchased, and how much it was, and then the app will subtract that from my total. I could also do the same for income (for example, a paycheck). It would then show me a list of all my transactions, and how much money I currently have in the bank. I am not looking for something like mint.com where It "attempts" (and for me, fails) to automagically read my online banking account, and add my transactions for me. It has to be manual. Don't want any automatic stuff that likes to break itself.(I'm talking to you mint.com!) A huge plus for me would be the ability to either A. view/edit all this from a website/program on my computer (syncing the app and program together somehow, dropbox maybe?), or B. backup the app's database to the cloud or somewhere not on my phone.(again maybe dropbox/google drive).
Right now I have a google doc spreadsheet that I manually add everything to. I can access this via the google drive app on my phone, and also via the google drive website on my computer. This works ok, but if I have to add/remove a transaction somewhere in the middle, I have to do a bunch of editing to get it all correct and what not. (yeah, I could use equations(I think that is what they are called?) to automatically update the total, but I am too lazy to do that.)
I would rather not have to pay for the app, and while not completely necessary, it would be nice if the app didn't have ads. (don't go out of your way to look for an ad free app is what I mean here)