(see attachment in previous post)5-year-old passes Microsoft certification exam - UPI.comAre you sure you would want this kid here?-Arizona Hot (November 15, 2014, 12:40 AM)
Prob a good article on the web dying, but it seems paywalled out.-TaoPhoenix (November 16, 2014, 11:51 PM)
Prob a good article on the web dying, but it seems paywalled out.-TaoPhoenix (November 16, 2014, 11:51 PM)So now you know what's killing it.. -Stoic Joker (November 17, 2014, 06:50 AM)
A History of Pre-Cupcake Android Codenames-Arizona Hot (November 18, 2014, 09:03 PM)
Me make booboo in previous post try, forgot to read fine print about file types allowed.So here's the link to a .pdf file of 46 pictures you've probably never seen before.-dantheman (November 19, 2014, 07:50 AM)
Seals are mysteriously sexually assaulting penguins — and eating them (warning: graphical and NSFW). Interesting read. -Attronarch (November 19, 2014, 10:35 AM)
While all of these attacks resulted in penguin injury, in perhaps the most horrific case, the seal gave up copulating with the penguin after 826 anguishing minutes in order to kill and eat the poor creature.
Me make booboo in previous post try, forgot to read fine print about file types allowed.So here's the link to a .pdf file of 46 pictures you've probably never seen before.-dantheman (November 19, 2014, 07:50 AM)I'm confused -there's no problem adding PDF files to posts - or is it too big?Is there a link to a site with the photos?-tomos (November 19, 2014, 08:36 AM)
(see attachment in previous post)Artist Reimagines Superheroes in 17th-Century Flemish Portrait-Stylesuper flemish series sets heroes + villains in the 17th century-Arizona Hot (November 21, 2014, 03:34 PM)
(see attachment in previous post)Adolf Hitler Watercolor Set to Be Auctioned in GermanyJust think! You could hang a piece of Hitler on the wall. (see attachment in previous post)Artist Reimagines Superheroes in 17th-Century Flemish Portrait-Stylesuper flemish series sets heroes + villains in the 17th century-Arizona Hot (November 21, 2014, 03:34 PM)
...and the Joker in a more jester-like costume.-40hz (November 21, 2014, 04:04 PM)
Speaking for the darkly humored and criminally insane ... -Stoic Joker (November 21, 2014, 05:19 PM)
I thought The Post’s use of a “Star Wars” movie creation, an Imperial Star Destroyer, to show the relational size of the comet on which the Rosetta mission’s lander, Philae, set down was hilarious [“On comet, space explorers aim to break new ground,”http://apps.washingt...comet-up-close/1450/ ]. Fortunately for the European Space Agency and the Rebel Alliance, no Imperial Star Destroyer showed up during the landing to thwart their plan to use the comet as a secret hideout for the rebels.Obviously, the Force is with the mission.