I got a horrible mood when I just could not update a few things because of bad libraries or something...
Just out of personal curiosity, which distro were you using? What were the things that wouldn't update? And how long ago was it that you ran into that?

Two different versions of uBuntu messed up bad on me.
The last time when I gave up was when my test box very specifically didn't like one of the then-new versions. It was something like 4-10 was fine and 10-10 hosed my box so bad it wouldn't boot the screen driver. A Sub-Sub-Distro fixed that, but about that point I just began to lose interest in it all.
A couple years earlier Dapper Drake (X-06?) created its own problems and ran itself into the ground on a Dell box. Then in general I just tried to update some stuff A' La Windows and got into DLL Hell. I'm gonna get a bit aggressive here and say no it's not okay for that to be "way back when", ... when Windows 2000 and its pony child Windows XP were *five years earlier* and are still the measuring sticks of Windows, *five* versions later. So no, I won't put up with *twelve* versions of Ubuntu, half of which are reported to cause problems per the forums and two of which caused severe problems for me personally.
Not insignificantly, I have a few Snacks from here, and they ... wait for it ... run on Windows. Plus a ton of other stuff that's Windows Only.
So I get the philosophy, I really do, but MS won. They played the long game and held on tight, and they won.