So I've been hanging around DC for a while on and off. I've had a lot of things happen in real life while I've been around DC so my interests and posts have varied.
'Da Mouser has been on a mission for a very long time and he's attracted some very fine associates to help. Since I don't know the inner workings, I'll let him distribute credit, which of course he will.
My main point here is that DC has been a very cool, sane and reasonable place to interact with other "Development" minded folks. I put that in quotes because I think we all bring our own version of what it means, which is all good.
The really kewl part is that DC accepts and supports the various viewpoints of development, use and abuse of technology, etc. In short, this is one of the ONLY places I know that has not gone the way of the Trolls, SPAM Kings or worst of all, Abandonment. What is again?
When you think about it, this site has been and continues to be an extremely successful test case for Mouser's idea.
So take a moment to consider how DC has been a good thing in your life. You might want to say thanks...I'll start: Thanks Mouser! You done good.
Yes I know many of us have in various public and private forums already done this...I just realized it again and thought I'd start trouble.