OK, it looks like we are down to some small refinements if they are possible.
I am looking at this from two points of view, the first is my own as someone who is happy to play with batch files and scheduled tasks etc, the second, which is more important, is from the point of view of making it more widely available (via my VPN provider friend) to people who just want something that works, I will concentrate on the second point of view.
When I have the VIndicator icon showing it is next to the NAI icon which I suspect is a position that many people who used both programs would choose, (given the fact that there are no network icons in Windows 7 at all I think it likely that people with PPTP/L2TP VPN's would use both) so it is impossible not to compare what they are showing/doing.
Taking what it shows on mouse-over first: NAI shows just three items: connection name, Sent and Received (totals). Transmission speeds are not really necessary in what is basically a status indicator.
NAI makes use of all 4 icons in that icon group in the same way that XP does, in particular when the connection is idle both parts of the icon go dark, in VIndicator one or other parts of it is always bright, if you are using this as a straight toggle between traffic/no traffic it would look better if you used a completely/partly bright icon with the completely dark icon as it would give a more accurate representation, if of course you could incorporate all 4 icons it would be even better and I am guessing that as you are now able to show traffic statistics that might well be possible.
Moving on to some of the things I mentioned yesterday: The start-up delay on the icon is down to just over 3 seconds so whatever you did shortened it.
The only identifying information now showing in the log file is the connection name.
The 'Quit on Disconnect' works perfectly but I have been thinking about people setting it and then wondering why, the next time they start a VPN it doesn't show.
While I think it is a feature worth leaving in it might be better if the option was hidden from the icon and the exe placed in a ZIP file with a short Readme?
The Readme could contain details about how to run the program at system start-up and how to create the .ini file to run the auto shutdown option if required, while pointing out that once shut down it would need to be manually restarted. To remove the option they simply delete the .ini file.
EDIT: Thinking about it a Readme could also contain brief details about how to set it up as a scheduled task so it would be fully automatic. I was thinking about putting this information on my friends website but if it was included with the program as well it would probably be better.
I really should stop taking the netbook to bed
Reminds me of when I used to be awake half the night designing circuit diagrams in my head.
BTW, how is it you have a CPUScore of 9.9 ?
You obviously have a very advanced logging system, it picks up Windows 8 scores on a Windows 7 computer.
Maximum is supposed to be 7.9, have you been fudging the figures
Who me?