Broadly, David Allen used an idea of a ride with a private pilot to fly "up and down" so you can see *both* the "forest and the trees".
The adaptation below is my simplified one.
The "10K feet" is Projects - that's roughly like the "doable" stuff you can confidently just finish, maybe like installing all the mods you know how to do, a bit of experimentation with new things, and then you "fly higher" for the next bit
So the 20K Feet one, is after you get the smaller "projects" done, what do you want to make as "areas of focus" which is the reason you're re-vamping? What can the new backbone support?
I'll suggest the first one, adding more content by resident bloggers.
To me a Win10 blog is an idea, a bit like your regular newsletters, that pulls in some 100 posts we do and follows Win10 as we see it. (Aka even if someone else writes it, a style like your newsletters.)
Sample fragment:
"So, in the first phase, Microsoft released interim builds a,b,c,d,e,f,g. Then the first launch build is X. User experiences at this link over here. ISO's and other installs over there."
And then lastly, the 30K feet is "what are the goals for the revamp when you're on your way and stuff is moving along?"
So to me, Mouser's existing thread covers the 10K feet pretty well. That leaves the open room of 20K feet for focus areas, and 30K feet for goals and visions.