Are you serious or are you just being sarcastic?-eleman
Being serious.
Hmm. Let's start with the clarifications. AdBlock Edge is a spinoff of AdBlock Plus. Somewhere in there was an argument that AdBlock would in fact allow "nice ads" through.-TaoPhoenix
Yup, by default ABP allows some google adwords or whatever, but there's a config option to block entirely. Can't say I don't understand the developer, and I believe it has caused perhaps a bit too much fuzz - I can certainly live with that option and its default... OTOH, perhaps things would've been worse if there
hadn't been all that fuzz.
Ghostery then I agree is different, and reports-then-shutdowns misc ad trackers. Sure whatever that company is gets some data, but I haven't tried to find an OSS replacement for Ghostery yet.-TaoPhoenix
I don't believe it sends data unless you enable the "GhostRank" feedback thingy? But yes, the company behind is related to the ad business, so there's reason to be wary - still, unless somebody finds out it sneaks data back home without consent, it's a pretty decent addon

So THEN, we get to Javascript. Problem is, the few times I tried to totally nuke it, some page would come along on a 1-time shot I'd wish it would work. So NoScript was bad news. I kinda like Elemon's idea - Blacklist pages that are the worst offenders. ___ Site I posted above, but apparently Slate is pretty bad too.-TaoPhoenix
Sure, backlisting will take care of annoyances on sites - but IMHO that's not a very good reason to do JavaScript blocking. I use it to drastically reduce the risk of drive-by infections, you really do need whitelisting against that. And once you get into the habit, it really isn't that much bother - only need a bit of fiddling when you visit a new domain.
But hey, I also avoid Flash and Java in my main browser - if I need to watch flash, I temporarily fire up Chrome for that specific URL. I only need Java for
NemID, and that steaming pile of manure(*) is only allowed to run in a Linux VM.
(*): NemID, that is - while I despise applets with lots of bileful nerdrage, Java and the JVM itself are decent enough.