Hallo gang.
This time I am approaching the browser question from a different angle. The opener.
I like Firefox.
The funny thing is, web services especially Yahoo Mail like to keep track of logins and so even if you close and re-open your browser instance, it/they tend to ask "weren't you logged in as X? Log in again (or click here to change user names). Other things include if I have a bunch of browser windows open it's a pain to try to save the whole sessions etc.
My cute workaround is: use different FF builds! For example, PaleMoon. Instead of the usual "which is better", right now they look almost equal. But they count as separate apps, so I can have two sets of Yahoo mails, or I can close one and keep all the windows open on another, etc. It's also a nice visual cue to see the orange fox has one set of articles, the blue moon has another set.
But I need another couple. I have at least three and sometimes four different Yahoo mails to juggle, and it would be nice to have another couple of colors! : )
So do you have favorite FF builds that do something neat?