Ren? You gonna comment?
Been a bit busy lately, but yes.
(And don't say nobody asked for it~!
And I sorta posted this for Renny so he'd have something to chew on. It gets too quiet when he's not around because he's too busy market timing his bitcoin portfolio.
Chew? That requires molars. Get ready for fangs...
And yes - been a bit busy with BTC.
Woohoo~! It's a thrilling ride~!
The entire premise here is simply hosed. Completely off-base and only exposing a small symptom of the disease that has infected business, commerce, finance, and the bitch lackeys... government.
This is a symptom of a
collectivist system where the middle class is attacked and destroyed with demonic fury. The poor are made poorer, and the rich are made richer.
Small and medium sized businesses are nothing but cattle for the vampires to feed on. The large enterprises purchase legislation to allow them to suck the life out of their "human resources" (note the dehumanizing use of "resource" -- you are NOT human, you are just a slave, a resource to be used and discarded) as they consolidate power into mega-enterprises. e.g. There are now only about 5 banks in the US worth mentioning.
By destroying the middle class and installing a system of dependency, the poor are forced to vote for ever increasingly "socialist" tyrants that strive to control every facet of life. The irony is that for the large mega-enterprises, they get all the wonderful pork of fascism to feed off of, while when they screw up in gargantuan ways, they flip to the other tit and suck on socialism for the rich in the form of bailouts and corporate welfare as they award their CEOs and executives obscene bonuses that would make Mammon blush.
What does this have to do with off-shore wealth? Everything.
The system is vampiric. It siphons the blood of the working poor and the diminishing middle class into the voracious and insatiable greed of the rich and elite. However, with all that money, what is one to do? Create a trust and funnel money out of the country into a safe haven so that it is safe from the very vampiric system that they have created.
Is it any surprise to see? Of course not. Why put your sheep in the same pen that you plan to unleash your pack of wolves into? That would be idiotic. Of course you move your money out of reach of the very corruption that you created to gain your wealth.
What can the little guy do?
BUY SILVER & GOLDSilver and gold are excellent stores of wealth. However, they are being artificially depressed.
JP Morgan shorts silver on paper to drive the price down. They have orders of magnitude more silver on paper than exist on the planet, both above and below ground.
The Fed is now shorting gold to prop up the value of the US dollar. This is a symptom of a system on the verge of collapse. BRICs and other countries are abandoning the US petro dollar. The USD will no longer be the world reserve currency. It's effectively dead right now.
BUY BITCOINSI know that a lot of people don't really think much of bitcoin, but it is a better system than having a monopolized currency that is regularly manipulated for the benefit of the elite.
If you don't know what quantitative easing is, it's a fancy word for "theft". The current rounds (that's PLURAL) of QE haven't really hit the markets yet. They are massive and perpetual. They will destroy what is left of the USD, driving real wealth into the hands of the elite, bankrupting the middle class, and forcing the working poor into working abject poverty.
Silver & bitcoin are great ways to take your money out of the corrupt system and store your money/wealth. They exist out of reach of the thieving grubby paws of governments that have mismanaged and bankrupted cities, states, provinces, prefects, and entire countries.
THE LEAKFor the actual "leak" side of this...
Nothing will happen. There will be bitching and complaining. A couple minor thugs might be slapped on the wrist, but there will be exactly ZERO consequences meted out.
Sure, the sheeple will bleat their dissatisfaction.
So what? When has public opinion mattered to government? Pot is still illegal in Canada while the majority of Canadians want it decriminalized.
Government is violence. We'll read opinion pieces about how horrible it is. And all the other news articles will talk about "tax evasion" and how it's not right...
No. They COMPLETELY miss the point.
TAX IS THEFTIt's not "tax evasion", it's "protecting your money from being stolen".
You don't all of a sudden magically get the right to steal from someone simply because you're in a big mob. Tax is theft.
"You can't steal, but *we* can steal." Ahem... please imagine a good deal of profanity, vulgarity, obscenity coming from my foaming mouth.
Complaining about "tax evasion" is like bitching about how you just got raped, everyone else should get raped.
BEING BORN doesn't automatically give other people the right to the fruits of your labour. Being born doesn't indenture you to a monarch (or council or government) who somehow magically claims you as their property by virtue of the lineage of their own birth (or incorporation).
The Queen in (so tempted to type 'F' here) Buckingham Palace has no legitimate authority or moral authority over anyone. Yet, she is the largest land owner in the world.
Government should SERVE people. Not the other way around.
I could go on for pages and pages and megabytes and gigabytes and terabytes about this stuff.
And... I didn't use the F-bomb once. You have no idea how difficult that was...