Propaganda - Fake (but good!) North Korean Propaganda Film: Horsemen:
" ... The modern day Four Horsemen continue to ride roughshod over the people who can least afford it. Crises are converging when governments, religion and mainstream economists have stalled. 23 international thinkers come together and break their silence about how the world really works and why there is still hope in re-establishing a moral and just society. Four Horsemen is free from mainstream media propaganda, doesn't bash bankers, criticize politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. The film ignites the debate about how we usher a new economic paradigm into the world which, globally, would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions ...": Cove:
"... Using state-of-the-art equipment, a group of activists, led by renowned dolphin trainer Ric O'Barry, infiltrate a cove near Taijii, Japan to expose both a shocking instance of animal abuse and a serious threat to human health ...: Labor Pains of a New Worldview:;feature=youtu.beTHE WAR ON DEMOCRACY (John Pilger's documentary):
"... Using archive footage sourced by Michael Moore's archivist Carl Deal, the film shows how serial US intervention, overt and covert, has toppled a series of legitimate governments in the Latin American region since the 1950s. The democratically elected Chilean government of Salvador Allende, for example, was ousted by a US backed coup in 1973 and replaced by the military dictatorship of General Pinochet. Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador have all been invaded by the United States ...": Crime of the Canadian Banking System:
"... For nearly 40 years, Canada - the people of Canada - had control of their own currency! Imagine! They founded their own bank and issued their own currency with no debt obligations to banks. Taxes were low and debt was too. They got themselves out of the depression that had been induced by the international banking cartel in 1929. By 1934, through the driving force of one man -- Gerald Grattan McGeer, Mayor of Vancouver, B.C. -- Canada founded the Bank of Canada and they were on their way to debt-free recovery. Problem was, the Canadians, busy building their own country, didn't think about, weren't taught about, didn't fully know about what they had -- and they lost it to the banking cartel in 1974. A Bilderberg-banker plan to take it away from them and mire them back in deep debt, forcing them to sell off and privatize everything they'd accomplished in those healthy four decades. Canada's Great Experiment was over. But all isn't lost. The structure is still there and so is the Bank of Canada. Bill Abram tells the story, also, of Nobel-prize winner Mohammad Yunus's bank, which demonstrates "poverty is not caused by poor people; poverty is caused by the system." Hocus pocus malthusianism as practiced by the Bilderbergers and their minions is exposed by Yunus and Abram ...: