urlsnooper can find the full url! use the 'also search for' and put in 'netstream' or 'description' (which i think flash player sends each time it requests a stream)
start with an rtmp stream
http://online.tvguid...&vdir=showvideosusing url snooper without filters or 'also search for' gets me
then just adding the videoname= part works....
ok, now that we know the filename, add 'idol' to 'also search for'
and you get some more packets...
play TVGCOnline_IdolTonight_Promo2 Â
level status code NetStream.Play.Reset description 4Playing and resetting TVGCOnline_IdolTonight_ÄPromo2. details TVGCOnline_IdolTonight_Promo2 clientid A
so in reality, url snooper could be made to search for this rtmp stuff. altho it is rather difficult to parse and put together. maybe it should go into whatever rtmp downloader instead of urlsnooper...
btw, i dont think hugflash can do rtmp, unless you know something i dont.
its more like an swf decompiler which can extract anything out of swf to
other formats like actionscript (txt) sprites (jpg,gif) audio (mp3) etc.
i mean its for swf files with included video , not rtmp streams.
you can test rtmp urls using flvplayer
http://www.martijnde.../flv-player-updated/hit the url button and paste in rtmp