What's critical now is that those who have settled sue to get their money back since it's been established that the patents that they based their settlement offers on were invalid to begin with. It's not enough to stop paying. You have to bring it right back to the troll's front door or it will never end. Because right now there's very little downside for these trolls. If they lose they simply walk away most times. And that's that - until next time.
The time has come to hit these people back with the same tools they employ. Argue that they knowingly misled the courts. Challenge their character. Initiate action to have them disbarred. Counter sue them - and in multiple widely separated jurisdictions. Go after each of their attorneys individually as well as their parent firm.
Amazon et al have vast resources and financial reserves. Which gives them the upper hand should they go on the offensive. Especially if they pool resources and set up a huge well-funded membership association that deals with patent trolls and lobbies very hard for political reforms. (And which
doles out its campaign contributions accordingly. Since it's obvious by now our politicos need to be bought, lets stop beating around the bush about it. Why should special interest lobbyists have all the fun?)
And then make it even better by having this association offer IP lawsuit insurance to its members. So next time a troll comes knocking, it won't be confronting a single company's financial and legal muscle - it will be going up against a mega law firm with infinite financial resources and legal talent that has no intentions of ever settling with a troll. And furthermore, has every intention of pursuing the troll for all eternity to obtain remedies once they lose?
Care to guess which side will run out of energy and money first?
The time has come to make it
dangerous to be a troll.
Let's hope every legitimate business soon commits to making it so.