I'm trying to make an alias that continuously pipes the FARR alias regex match text to an autohotkey script, the script processes that input and outputs a html file that in turn is after save refreshed in FARR. But I've run into a freeze problem.
Here is an easy way to reproduce it:
1. make this alias:
1000>>>x>->dolaunch appcap C:\test.exe>+>^x(\d*)
2. compile this autohotkey code into C:\test.exe
test = 1
3. open FARR and type x and then quickly type a string of numbers (with multiple keypresses).
FARR will now maximize its CPU (for one core) and no new commands are possible. To break the freeze a shutdown from the task manager is needed.
I've tried a few other alias designs using alternative commands but didn't find one that did all the things in the first sentence above.
I tried the below alias command chain together with an autohotkey line that saves the command line input to C:\test.html but the html doesn't reliably refresh after each run. I want to avoid adding delay/sleep times if possible.
dolaunch showhtml . ;;; C:\test.exe "$$1" ;;; showfilehtml C:\test.html
Edit: Mouser has fixed it in Version 2.206.01
[BugFix] AppCap function could hang FARR if it was repeatedly invoked many times per second.