Working now

Like Josh I'd recommend the minimal icons as default, also for beginners - they're used to looking for tooltips too I think

Speaking of tooltips - they're a bit erratic and often dont display - I think it might be that they only display when the toolbar has been clicked.
Easiest way to reproduce is simply to restart SC (with Quick Capture Bar enabled) -tool-tips no longer show on mouseover.
I'll chance an icon request/comments - unfortunately I'm unable to take a screenshot of the bar here (how did you get that shot Abterix

They are really nicely designed

I think they would look better with a little more contrast.
The red
X - while it looks good, it dominates the icons - and it is really the least important. The bar autohides, if someone wants to turn it off they can go into settings or via the tray icon. If you want to keep it, I'd recommend making the others stronger (recommended anyways) and the X more discreet.
The three post capture options: - it took me a while to figure out that there is only one selected here - I initially just thought that one icon was darker by accident. (I then thought that that icon toggled the setting and was confused when another click didnt change anything.) I'm not sure waht could be done to make that clearer. In ways, the activated one could be greyed out as it is no longer an option - only the other two can now be selected. Again, that would need the other icons to be 'stronger' in general. Maybe with a stronger outline.
I wonder should they all be the same size as the icons on the right? The bar autohides anyway so space is not of a premium. But with a little less spacing. If I could take a shot of the $§%$ thing I'd be able to mess around with it and see what might look good/better. I'd standardise the sizes anyway, whether slightly larger or smaller.