40hz, I kindly ask you if you could you comment on this site's policy / background or refer me to a page detailing these? As one of those posters who's done thousands of posts here, you might be best apt to inform me, and I'm sure many not-yet posters here ask themselves some of my questions, too, so clarification would certainly be welcomed by some people.
- Some people with many posts here often express very strong opinions and get away with it, they ain't banned and not even reprimanded - so it seems they have the "right" to do so
- I jumped in here, some days ago, not because of virtual kvm's, all the less so because of a given offering, but bec of another thread which treated censorship on bits, and MANY people here had been very astonished by this - this was TOO MUCH for me to not speak out, so I related my censorship history with bits, tongue-in-cheek, but the real reason was my having been TOTALLY CENSORED HERE: Some time ago, under another avatar, I had dared to make some posts where I had related bad experiences with software, and instead of triggering other posts on these subjects - perhaps with better experiences than mine -, I got deleted my posts within minutes, AND got my "account" deleted, i.e. no further posting possible, without getting the slightest explanation, which would have perfectly been possible since I had given my real mail account (which is certainly not the case with this current account that will probably be deleted within minutes from my clicking on the "Post" button.
- At the time, I had been totally surprised by that move, since I had thought to write about subjects of not too remote interest, and since I had not in any way been agressive, cynical or something in this order; on the other hand, this current "censorship at bits" thread here had made me laugh out loud, since people who do heavy censorship themselves shouldn't complain about them being censored elsewhere, right?
- You speak about "mouser" - who is "mouser", did he ever gave his name, or is anonymity important to him? I suppose he's the creator of this forum, right? Allow for another question: Why is he considered "God" or similar, here? Has he done exceptional things? Get me right, please, I'm not suggesting he didn't, I'm just in total absence of knowledge, so I'm asking.
- Then, is he funding this forum? It seems that for the financing of the servers, this forum relies upon public funding, by donations, so there might not be any (more) funding by "mouser", or is there? So here again, I haven't been successful in getting why "mouser" is considered "above it all", instead of this forum being sort of a democratic one.
- When I see the kind of speak of the "very frequent posters" here, addressing newcomers or "infrequent posters", I see sort of condescension and patronizing and which does NOT seem to be related to the respective content of the respective postings of either side, but simply to a "rule" or something that the former would have the "better rights" as the latter ones - of course, I don't discover this phenomenon in any thread and any exchange of posts, but it appears rather often and much more frequently than being coincidental or unintentionally.
- So what's going on here? What is the reason behind "unworthy" contributors here being treated like schoolboys were fifty years ago in civilised countries, especially in view of the fact that, as said, "regular" posters, the "masters" here, are allowed LOTS of "strong opinioning", so there does NOT seem to be a general rule of utmost complacency and attenuation, etc. that'd apply to everyone, far from that?
- What is the general idea behind this allowing to freely discuss things for a minority here when for everybody else, it's permanent self-censorship in order to avoid reprimands or even kick-out?
- This being a discussion forum with lots of participation, it seems to me that the questions I ask here are of some relevance, since for many a potential poster to such a forum, it's a question of adhering to such rules that need some explanation, or to shut up to begin with. There are many countries in this world where people ain't equal, and much worse, but for a forum where you'd instinctively presume equality among the participants, this blatant non-equality in the treatment different classes of participants are granting each other, mutually, seems astonishing and worthwile a little more info about the underlying reasons for all this than you can get by simple observation, hence my request to get some background to all this.
- Is there a chance go get this, or will the censor act first?
First in my native language . Primero en mi lenguaje nativo.
Then automatic translation and I will revise.
Luego ya traduciré al inglés para no equivocarme.
Donationcoder, en su género de software de desarrollo, creatividad y diseño es uno de los pocos foros que ofrece ayuda en "code snack" o códigos ejemplo sencillos.
Hay otros foros por ahí soporíferos, insoportables, que ni ayudan y que además descalifican al que sabe menos. Al que no es programador, al que simplemente arrrastra sus traumas y pide ayuda. En donation coder se ayuda incluso si no tienes dinero. Incluso en momentos tan difíciles para los programadores. Y en Donation Coder, esto es una opinión particular, están los mejores programadores del mundo.
A veces me ha dado vergüenza ajena recibir ayuda en un foro donde no coopero económicamente, porque a lo largo de los años he recibido mucha ayuda.
Esta mañana tuve cita con mi psicólogo. Con mi psicólogo sí. Soy humano. Pido ayuda. Y le comentaba que quizá muy pronto pueda superar mis traumas con windows xp, y pasar a focalizar otros temas, otras cosas. si lo supero será en buena parte por foros como DonationCoder y su gente.
Yo no puedo decir otra cosa que me he sentido bien tratado aquí.
Y mira que visito foros. También tengo que decir que no es el único foro que me ha tratado bien. Y esto es consecuencia de que internet está poblado de buena gente.
En español soy asiduo de fermul.com. Con fernando muñoz me llevo muy bien y a veces se me saltan las lágrimas cuando me encuentro con la gente.
DonationCoder no es diferente en este aspecto. Creo que tienen mucha paciencia conmigo. Con mis boberías. Con mis consultas recursivas e insistentes de persona con dudas.
Y la verdad es que lo agradezco.
Es curioso que sea en foros como Donation Coder donde surgen este tipo de temas de reconocimiento, de utilidad, de finalidad manifiesta.
Donation Coder no se oculta precisamente en este sentido. La via de la donación está abierta. Yo que soy enemigo de los bancos, enemigo de las fórmulas corporativas de gran poder, enemigo del Bill Patas aunque tenga que usar su sistema operativo, reconozco que las cosas en nuestro mundo cuestan dinero.
Soy de los que se aprovechan de un trabajo como el que hace Mouser. Chapó por Mouser. Soy de los que no pago ni aporto un duro en Donation Coder.
No soy un miembro de apoyo, no colaboro en nada en concreto, y sin embargo no he notado un trato diferencial importante.
Nadie me ha negado su ayuda. Y son muchos ya en donation coder los que me la han prestado.
Nadie me ha escachado bajo su pie o tratado preferentemente mal.
Yo la verdad, me siento bien en donation coder.
Please. Translate the above declarations with your favourite translator.
The web , the entire internet is plenty of automation. but this time I prefer talk with my heart.