Instructions from Sean per email 2007-05-18.
To get Dark castle going:
1. Download an amiga emulator (it was also made for amiga
2. Then install it...
3. Once installed, save both the KICK.ROM and the darkcastle.hdf to the c:\program files\winuae folder
4. Start up Winuae.
It will complain about no rom, ok past it.
It will then display the settings page (to get back to this hit F12 in game).
go to ROM, hit the ... button which is browse and browse to your program folder and choose the .rom file. OK out of it
Then go to the hard drives button, click the add hardfile and on path select the program file location and choose the darkcastle.mdf then OK.
You can then click start and it's all go.
Mouse support is on, middle mouse button lets you disengage mouse from the emulator - buttons are:
left mouse button throw rock
A is left
D is right
Q is pickup/activate
Don't know what the rest are:) you can set them up (F12) and have a play around.