It would be really nice if Microsoft could just abandon their registry nonsense and
require installed apps to put
everything they need (possibly with the exception of .NET and related Microsoft items that are supplied
by default with every Windows installation) into their
own directory tree. The world would be a
much better place if that were so. The registry makes some sense in a
managed environment where the network admins need to monitor individual PCs and be able to push updates and changes out to hundreds of seats at a time. For a home or solo PC it's a ridiculous amount of complexity and overhead to have to deal with just to save some disk space.
Disk space is cheap. So is RAM. So having duplicate binaries and whatnot isn't that big a deal anymore.
Oh wait...the FUTURE is with TABLETS!!! I forgot...
I guess disk space
will go back to being at a premium pretty soon huh? I mean look...all those movies, and ebooks, and music the media giants
just know you're gonna go
buy and download have to be saved
somewhere, right? And they'll likely almost all be
DRM-locked to a specific device - so it's not like you can just save them anywhere you've got space.