Target,Stephen66515,MilesAhead,flamerz,Tuxman,mwb1100,AbteriX thank you all..
I should redefine my needs as,
text folding (primarily),
font size change (even just globally (like notepad.exe)), and past in jpg,png,bmp (perhaps icons) for reference would
both make good secondary features.
(being able to specify picture/icon placeholder size would be a great additional feature)
AbteriX, using my own post to show what I describe was clever and brilliant.
(almost smart ***, imaging my face when I saw it ;> ..I loved it!
The editors I viewed seem to have more features than what I describe above, so I'll need to learn how to learn just the features above, among many options.
So far it would appear that both notepad++ and EmEditor both do text folding. If any know of an editor that is lighter and/or focuses on text folding and features above then posters can still holler.
as of now I have no need of folding of code(s),.. But one day I would like to learn how to make firefox addons.
@ AbteriX
"This is EmEditor with his Outline plugin, using dashes as folding markers."
sounds like I'll need to find, download&install an Outline plugin you are refering to here.
I hope EmEditor has the link/url in it's overhead menues.
I have yet to install it on 3rd machine,..