my operamail (hosted at fastmail) plugin shows your in-box and allows you to compose and send emails.
(it is a shamefull copy of the GoogleTasks javascript by rulfzid).
the default command/alias is
operamailyou have to login into the site as usual. IE will remember your username and password.
How to install:
unzip file in subfolder Plugins of FARR
it should now contain 4 files (fscript.dll, fscript.cfi, fscript.js, operamail.ico) Do not put anything else in this folder.
e.g. c:\Program Files\FARR\plugins\operamail\fscript.dll
operamail screenshot clean small.jpg (62.82 kB. 350x288 - viewed 2107 times.)---
start FARR, go to options (Ctrl-O)
Program Options >> Settings >> Plugins and Update
press button [ Click to Examine and configure Plugins..]
press [ Find and Reload all Plugins ]
press [OK]
<you can overrule the alias operamail by another unique available alias>
press [Close]
press [Ok]
screenshot operamail