We've added new "menu" item in profile options to help you add a link from your webpage directly to your DonationCredits Donation Page, to make it easy for your visitors to make a donation to you with confidence.
Click "Profile and Membership" in tabs above and look under DonationCredits.
You will see a new item "Make Buttons/Links"
Click it for a sample and html code you can cut and past into your web page, which will link people directly to your profile on the DonationCredits donation page.
Remember, your Donation Page lets people donate to you not just using DonationCredits and micro-donations, but also
easily and directly using Paypal or any other links you have configured. And it also helps spread the word about DonationCoder.com.
You'll also find instructions their on how to configure your donation blurb and external donation links.
We hope this gives you a way to:
- show your pride in donationcoder.com
- let donators have a choice how to donate
- show donators that you are part of an honest donation-based movement
- put a recognizable donation symbol on your pages (we suggest upper left of your web pages).
if you add the link to your page and feel like letting us know about it, please do post a followup post here