Regarding 911 - 2 airplanes take down 3 buildings, which are the ONLY 3 in history to ever collapse due to fires. And they collapse at about free-fall speed... Nope. Nothing suspicious here. These are not the terrorists you're looking for. Move along...
If 911 wasn't an inside job, then it's the exception. Have a search for "us false flag" - history is full of them. The first WTC bombing in 1993 was setup by the FBI. Any surprises there?
Oh, here's something you actually might like:
(BTW - His show got canceled.)
Is it any surprise that Oklahoma was run by the FBI? If it wasn't, then it's an exception.
There's a very clear pattern of false flag behaviour by the US government. If there's some terrorist act, and you don't immediately suspect the US government, well, you're pretty much ignoring all the evidence.
But, it's scary stuff, so I can see why people would want to bury their heads in the sand. Who wants to believe that their government is run by a bunch of murderous thugs? (Nazi Germany. Stalinist Russia. Mao China. Pol Pot Cambodia. Idi Amin Uganda. US in Viet Nam. US in Iraq. US in Afghanistan. etc. etc. etc. Democide in the 20th century killed 262 million people. Check the Wikipedia entry for "
Democide".) Well, the first thing EVERYONE says is, "It can't happen here..." Or maybe that's the last thing they say~!
Is Alex Jones "out there"? Sure. But then again, so is the truth.
(Couldn't resist the X-Files allusion there~!
But seriously - Have a look around and you'll see that he's very, very far from being alone in saying the same things as a lot of other people. Is some stuff a bit wonky, like the Angelina stuff? Sure. But that doesn't lessen anything else.
Typically, most of the articles there are commentary on other articles from the MSM. One recent article went on about how some legislation in California mandated how many living units must be built on an acre of land, and the article pointed out the reasons for that and the implications.
Meh... Whatever.