A strange title.
I refer to alternatives to
ClickOff but more general. ClickOff have the ability to interact with the program to close some windows.
But it's resident all the time.
I refer to alternatives to
RunAsDate but more general. RunAsDate have the ability to enclose the program in a sort of shell and is not resident all the time. Only when the main program is running.
I know we can control certain parameters of a program with the o.s. : By example with the properties of the shortlink of the main program.
I use Cobian Backup and other programs with the ability to run before or after the backup operation other programs.
Obviously I dream with the Universal handler able to control all my programs and interactions in an automated way.
I supposed this is not easy.
What I am looking now is a more powerful script than the one ClickOff is, but resident only when I am executing the main program. A sort of program like RunAsDate, but oriented to control windows messages like ClickOff does.
And if is able to do more things is welcome because of my dream.